Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Handspun yarn

Early in May I saw a beautiful merino/silk rainbow hand spun yarn and bought my own to spin. The seller kindly gave me permission to use her pictures. The first picture is from the listing, the 2nd is the singles wound into yarn cakes/balls, the 3rd is the plied and washed yarn.

In September I bought some handpainted bfl called glacier from this etsy shop. This seller also kindly gave me permission to use her picture. I finished spinning the yarn the middle of May and wound a skein on Monday.

My pictures are just a bit darker than the actual colors, in both cases the seller's picture shows the final color better on my monitor.


Laritza said...

Prettyness! is it going to be yarn of become something else?

The Rainbow Room said...

I love what you have done with my Rainbow Silky Blends, it looks so gorgeous : )